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About us
This hardworking and multi-award winning playhouse officially

officially opened its doors on the 8th of June 1950 with the premiere of “Spašeno svjetlo“, directed by Ivan Marton and performed by the Pionir theater. A year later, this amateur theater featuring child actors, received its own performance hall at Dom kulture and to this day, they entertain both young and old with their plays.

In the following years

there were countless endeavors to form a puppet and children’s theater and they were finally realized in 1958. when the amateur theater turned professional under the name of „Ognjen Prica“. The Children’s theater in Osijek is extremely proud of the fact that it took part at the first International children’s festival in Šibenik. The theater performed its first puppet play in 1962. and in 1977. it became the host for the annual Meeting of Puppeteers of Croatia.

In more than half a century

on the city, state and international scene, there have been many beautiful and unforgettable moments, top collaborators and unforgettable performances. History writes success stories like performances «Zeko, Zriko i Janje» Branka Mihaljevića in direction of Ivan Balog, which has become the symbol of the Theater and in the repertoire, in different settings, od 1958. godine. Throughout history, the Theater has received the most prestigious awards for its performances, performing at all major festivals in the homeland, neighboring countries, across Europe, as well as in distant China and Taiwan.

Even today, children and adults

with impatience, crosses the threshold of this magnificent house that has innumerable times led us to magical and fairy-tale trips, opening us an unmatched space of deceased characters, and leaving the outside world behind the door. And not only the little ones, in the world of the spells of the Children’s Theater, they are immersed, those who were once small and who still with the wonders in their hearts accompany the little ones with their favorite characters from the story …

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